Sunday, January 18, 2015

Songs Sung

Songs Sung

Songs, especially with catchy tunes, are so easy to get stuck in your head.
And because of this they make learning more interesting and aid memorization.
So singing was almost always incorporated into any class I taught. 
One of the first songs I introduced to the kids in Sierra Leone was the fun action song

“Happy all the Time.”

I’m Inright, Outright, Upright, Downright gladdi all the time,
I’m Inright, Outright, Upright, Downright gladdi all the time,
I’m Inright, Outright, Upright, Downright gladdi all the time,
Since Jesus Christ came in and cleansed my heart from sin,
I’m Inright, Outright, Upright, Downright gladdi all the time.

By simply switching out the word “happy” for “gladdi” and with plenty of repetition they soon had it mastered. Once they had the words down, the next step was the hand motions. (I learned that trying to teach them the words and motions, at the same time, left me singing while they did the hand motions!) They soon had those down and we could move on to singing it at various speeds, which was great fun!

Another song and a favorite of theirs was “Stand up Sit down.”

I’m gonna stand up sit down, clap my hands and shout, Hallelujah.
I’m gonna stand up sit down, clap my hands and shout, Hallelujah.
I’m gonna stand up sit down, clap my hands and shout, Hallelujah.
Hallelujah praise the Lord!

While this song is not deeply doctrinal, it came in handy to release some pent up energy; theirs and occasionally mine! Plus what kid does not enjoy shouting Hallelujah!?!

There were times when I would ask the kids to sing one of their traditional songs.
This is one of the ones I recall in Krio!

Tell Em, Tenki
Tell Em tenki, Tell Em, tell Papa God tenki
What E do for we, I go tell Em tenki.
Tell Em tenki, tell Em, tell Papa God tenki.

(Em = Him / Tenki = Thank you / E = He)

There are certain hymns,
makes me think of specific people in Sierra Leone.

Pass Me Not – Michael
There is a special way to sing the chorus to this hymn in Sierra Leone,
and I always enjoyed hearing Michael sing it out loud and clear!

Rock of Ages – Zainab
 This would have to be her favorite hymn!

There is a Fountain – Moses
At every opportunity, Mojo would pick this hymn to sing.

There is a Sweet By and By – Alfred
 This is one of Alfred’s favorite songs to play on the traditional instruments.

When the Roll is called up Yonder – David Johnny
  A road trip with David was not complete until this song had been sung!

Praise the Lord for people in Sierra Leone, young and old,
who are joyfully singing praise to our Saviour!

Psalm 100:1
Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.


  1. Those are all beautiful songs. I used to sing a version of the first one (I'm in, right out...) as a little girl! We would jump in and out and up to the words. It was a lot of fun!

  2. This song was my favorite to teach in Sierra Leone!!!
