Monday, August 18, 2014

My Year is coming to an end

1 Thessalonians 2:4

But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel,

Even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts.


   It is with mixed emotions that I set fingers to the keyboard to prepare a final email from Sierra Leone. My mind is still struggling to grasp the fact that in less than 10 days I will once again be in my native country, after a year in the land of the Lion Mountains. Words fail me to express what a blessing and a delight this year has been for me, God has truly blessed me exceedingly abundantly above all that I could have ever possibly thought would take place in this past year! What a sobering thought that God has allowed me, ME, to speak His word in another country!

  It has been a privilege a to teach Bible verses, stories and songs in several area schools! In a week’s time, roughly 300 kids were being taught God’s word. It was a joy to hear some 80 kids recite a verse learned the week before, and they were always excited to say it. What a thrill to ride through Baomahun and the villages before Baomahun and hear your name shouted by dozens of kids who are happy to see you, to know that in a minuscule way you have had an impact on their lives!

   What an experience to have been able to travel over a large portion of Sierra Leone, visiting various churches, helping with evangelism, and getting to know those men from Baomahun who love the Lord Jesus Christ just like I do! One of the best parts of any trip along the roads of Sierra Leone is the time of singing! Oh, to hear 3-6 voices singing praise to the Lord as we fly down the dirt roads, that can give you goose bumps!

   It was both a pleasure and a denial of the flesh to go into town with Moses, (Mojo) and talk Bible with various groups of people. I can still remember one week he came everyday in the week to come get me to talk with someone else.  There were days the flesh did not want to go, but on many of those days, God would just make those listening so attentive, or have many questions, and I would feel ashamed for my wrong attitude! Mojo and the lessons he taught me will not soon be forgotten!

   Things did not always gone smoothly, plans could change in a matter of minutes, or the kids could choose the day you are tired to act crazy, and I mean really crazy! Someone could fail to show up on time, it could rain when you wanted it dry, you could get completely blank stares as you talk in your very best attempts at Krio, but that is life!

  Since the early part of the year, West Africa has been dealing with a deadly disease that has claimed the lives of over 1,000 people. There will be many lives lost in Sierra Leone before this disease has run its course, have you considered where these souls will spend eternity?  Would you pray that the Christians of Sierra Leone would stand up and boldly speak the Gospel to those around them who might have only a step between them and death? Those of us who are saved know, no matter what happens to us, where we will spend eternity, the majority of Sierra Leoneans believe that it is “all left with God”, but that is not the case, God has left the choice with each person to choose Him. Please pray!

  My heartfelt thanks to all who have prayed for me during this year, may my lips ever offer to God the thanks that is due to Him for saving my wretched soul and allowing me to serve Him! Nothing else, no one else is worthy of praise but Christ!

Hebrews 13:15

By him therefore let us offer

The sacrifice of praise to God continually,

 That is,

The fruit of our lips

Giving thanks to his name.


Aimée (Nyadavo)
With Zainab

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


This month is Aimee's Birthday Month.
We do things just a bit differently in our family.
It helps keep us on an even keel!
It also allows us to celebrate all month long....
and we LOVE IT!
That's our girl!!

She is sandwiched in between 2 boys that dearly love their sister.
Ever wondered what it would be like to have a personal bodyguard, or two?
Ask Aimée sometime.
She is fiercely defended and protected by two adoring and loving brothers...
affectionately known by her as 'bothers'.
They are also two of her biggest supporters as she serves the LORD in Sierra Leone.
Psalm 138:8
The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me:
thy mercy, O LORD, endureth forever:
forsake not the works of thine own hands.

Precious Boys of Sierra Leone

New pictures that came this morning from Aimée.

Parting with these precious boys is going to be very hard for Aimée!
Psalm 119:18
Open thou mine eyes,
that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.

Baomahun Boys

As the only daughter, Aimée is well adapted to working with the boys.
She has thoroughly enjoyed her time getting to know the boys of Baomahun,
sharing the gospel around the village of Sierra Leone with them,
bantering with them, playing football with them,
and just plain enjoying their fellowship!
What a blessing these have been to our daughter!

We are thankful for each of them!
Psalm 119:63
I am a companion of all them that fear thee,
and of them that keep thy precepts.

Jesus Loves

Precious children
Luke 18:17
But Jesus called them unto him, and said,
Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not:
for of such is the kingdom of God.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Pictures from Sierra Leone

We are keeping up with the news of EBOLA in Sierra Leone,
and are aware of the seriousness of this epidemic there.
Aimée is scheduled to fly out of Sierra Leone on her way to Brussels,
then on to Newark, NJ, and finally to Orlando on August 25th.
We, her family and Aimée, have been thankful that this year has passed with very limited sickness for Aimée. She takes after her dad when it comes to health.
(another thing to be thankful for!)
We are not fearful of EBOLA....but are wanting to be wise in choices that are made.
We know that GOD is in control, and that our trust needs to be completely in Him.
He is able to give a peace that can only come from Him,
 when trials come that we do not understand.
We are a pretty calm family!
Aimée sent some pictures and asked me to put on the blog....
here they are....
Three headed pineapple

BoMart where shopping is an adventure

Guard Dog 1

Guard dog 2

How are you feeling today?
(that is how Aimée had this one captioned)


Mini Mantis

Pekins (children)
Look at that smile!

Sunrise of Bhun
Trailer surfing.
(mom would not doubt if Aimée has done this!!)
Psalm 119:160
Thy word is true from the beginning:
and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.