The school in Tendabu has been one of Aimee's favorite places to teach.
She has enjoyed the children there,
and they have responded wonderfully to her.
(I, mom, have asked her to bring Bobo home with her....she says no.
But then it would give her a good excuse to go back to Sierra return Bobo!)
A smile and Bobo!
more children,
and more children,
and more children!
Aimée thought I (mom) was nuts when I wanted to teach the children in our
GOOD NEWS CLUB at the YMCA the song....
"I'm inright, outright, upright, downright happy all the time"
Aimée was certain that it would wind up our already wound up kids.
She took that song to Sierra Leone and taught it to the children there.
Who needs brothers with this many boys around??
The ladies at our church made some jumpers a while back for the Holts to take to Sierra Leone.
Here Mustafa is being offered a jumper.
A few girls with new tops.
Aimée and I had made many shorts for the boys.
We even had Todd and Bear helping us pull the drawstrings through, too
Aimée enjoyed passing those out to the boys!
Each pair of shorts has a pocket in the colors of the Wordless Book.
Here Aimée goes over each of the colors and what they mean.
Black's sin separates him from GOD
....Jesus, the perfect Son of God, died, was buried and rose again to pay for man's sin
....the blood of Jesus will wash away our sin, and make us pure before God.
We must put our trust in JESUS.
....God is in Heaven, and wants man to be there with him.
There is NO sin in Heaven.
...when we have put our trust in the LORD JESUS CHRIST as the Savior from our sin,
we are to GROW in the LORD.
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins,
he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.