Thursday, December 26, 2013

Far from home, but close in heart

 People who know a little about our family
assume we are very close.
That would be correct!!
So now while we may not be close physically...
our hearts are still tightly knitted together!

 Anniversary Pizza in Africa 2013
 Anniversary Pizza in Greece 2012
No matter where any of us are...
or who any of us are with....
we have pizza on December 19th.
What Anniversary???
Her parents....
married December 19, 1980.
 Surrounded by children...
her family has always known of her love for children.
Sharing the Gospel with them is easy for her.
Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go:
and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Random Photos

We recently received a couple discs with pictures and videos on them from Aimée.
Once again, mom's choice here.
Yes, Aimée can play the piano/keyboard.
It looks like the kids enjoy that, too.

Hot, sticky, sweaty...our girl smiles, still!

bowl of food...
Sharing a bowl of food....fingers, or spoons...your choice!
pasta... .there is plenty to eat there.
Just no Tacos for our Mexican food loving girl.

hovered over....

loving life in Sierra Leone!

Who would have thought this quiet little girl would have grown up to go to Africa?
Maybe 'Janet' was our clue!
Well, and maybe Libby did predict this when Aimée was 4 years old!
(dresses by mom)
Proverbs 14:26
In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence:
and his children shall have a place of refuge.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

December Update

Another update from mom on the adventures of the precious daughter in Sierra Leone.

 Recently, Aimée was able to put her toes in the EAST side of the Atlantic Ocean.
Our feet at the Atlantic Ocean on the WEST side a couple years ago.
She has also been in the Atlantic Ocean while in Trinidad.
Seems like she needs some a trip to a northern country to see the Northern Atlantic. ;)
 Sharing the Gospel...this is an important part of Aimée's life.
Her heart desires to share the Gospel with anyone.
In Sierra Leone, she finds the people willing to listen about Jesus.
The mode of TAXI transportation in Sierra Leone.
Can that girl of ours grin any bigger???

The term 'missions' has different meanings to everyone.
To Aimée missions is to give the Gospel, to tell others about what JESUS did for them.
She truly thrives on doing just that!

 Aimée has a very close attachment to her brothers, or bothers as she calls them.
Recently, the boys and I went to LEGOLAND. We took pictures and sent her.
She made this collage and sent back to us. Notice that she added a picture of herself with her 'bothers' at the bottom. She didn't want to be left out!
A local mosque.
Talking with Aimée by Skype or instant messaging,
she always reveals that she is very happy serving the Lord in Sierra Leone.
I tell people she is 'mean' truth she sets her mind to do something,
and she is unwilling to let anything detour her from finishing the task.
She recently encountered a pickpocket who chose her to be his next victim.
WRONG CHOICE....she caught on to him and shoved him to the ground.
Also, she had purchased something, and another person with her bought the same thing, but was given a lower price by the same man. Aimée wasn't having any of that.
She returned to the man, grabbed him by the shirt and told him to give back her money. He did.
Now if you know our Aimée.....she appears meek and sweet...and she really is!
But ask her brothers....she can be quite tough and firm.
There is nothing wimpy about their sister.
(perhaps that comes from her mom? LOL)

 1 Timothy 2:5
 For there is one God, 
and one mediator between God and men, 
the man Christ Jesus;