Saturday, November 23, 2013

Enjoying Ice Cream in Bo

Having ice cream!!! I spent $3 on that little thing!!!!!


O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. Psalms 8:1 (KJV)
Mom's note....
Aimée is Miss Frugal. She can stretch money, not spend money, and is cheap to keep! We appreciate that about our daughter!  It makes us happy that she will splurge on things there..... :)


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Random Pictures

Joseph with me.
This is the man that saw me on the street one day wearing a Jesus Saves shirt.
He asked me if Jesus really saves. I told him YES!
After talking with him, Joseph trusted Christ as his Savior.
When I gave him this Tshirt, he asked if he could put it on right then.
I told him yes, and he promptly started wearing the shirt.
Jesus does save!

It might not be spelled the same,
but it is pronounced the same as
my French Aimée is.
This little guy is just so cute I just love him.
I have never heard him say a word.
He will smile, just not for the camera.
Now, when I get out of the truck he comes walking out to meet me.
I like many of the African names,
and so I have renamed my brothers to give them African names.
Let me introduce you to....
Front....BOBO (small boy)  ;)
Back.....BIGMAN (important one) ;)
Psalm 119:80
Let my heart be sound in thy statutes;
 that I be not ashamed.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Pictures of Friends near and far
This little girl and I share the same Mende name of NYADAVO.
It means "my own day".
The girl standing next to me is Lucy.
They appear to not be smiling,
but they are happy and excited.
This is FATU holding a picture that I brought with me to Africa
 of my friend, Ashley, from home.
 This is a girl we call "Funny Ha Ha" with
Delanie from home.
 This is a picture of Elijah from home, with a boy that I can't remember his name.
This little boy always has pants on that are a couple sizes too large for him.
We call him "Pants can't stay up". Sweet boy!
He is holding a picture of Caden from home.

I am thankful for my young (and older)  prayer warriors at home!!
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray without ceasing.