Thursday, December 26, 2013

Far from home, but close in heart

 People who know a little about our family
assume we are very close.
That would be correct!!
So now while we may not be close physically...
our hearts are still tightly knitted together!

 Anniversary Pizza in Africa 2013
 Anniversary Pizza in Greece 2012
No matter where any of us are...
or who any of us are with....
we have pizza on December 19th.
What Anniversary???
Her parents....
married December 19, 1980.
 Surrounded by children...
her family has always known of her love for children.
Sharing the Gospel with them is easy for her.
Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go:
and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Random Photos

We recently received a couple discs with pictures and videos on them from Aimée.
Once again, mom's choice here.
Yes, Aimée can play the piano/keyboard.
It looks like the kids enjoy that, too.

Hot, sticky, sweaty...our girl smiles, still!

bowl of food...
Sharing a bowl of food....fingers, or spoons...your choice!
pasta... .there is plenty to eat there.
Just no Tacos for our Mexican food loving girl.

hovered over....

loving life in Sierra Leone!

Who would have thought this quiet little girl would have grown up to go to Africa?
Maybe 'Janet' was our clue!
Well, and maybe Libby did predict this when Aimée was 4 years old!
(dresses by mom)
Proverbs 14:26
In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence:
and his children shall have a place of refuge.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

December Update

Another update from mom on the adventures of the precious daughter in Sierra Leone.

 Recently, Aimée was able to put her toes in the EAST side of the Atlantic Ocean.
Our feet at the Atlantic Ocean on the WEST side a couple years ago.
She has also been in the Atlantic Ocean while in Trinidad.
Seems like she needs some a trip to a northern country to see the Northern Atlantic. ;)
 Sharing the Gospel...this is an important part of Aimée's life.
Her heart desires to share the Gospel with anyone.
In Sierra Leone, she finds the people willing to listen about Jesus.
The mode of TAXI transportation in Sierra Leone.
Can that girl of ours grin any bigger???

The term 'missions' has different meanings to everyone.
To Aimée missions is to give the Gospel, to tell others about what JESUS did for them.
She truly thrives on doing just that!

 Aimée has a very close attachment to her brothers, or bothers as she calls them.
Recently, the boys and I went to LEGOLAND. We took pictures and sent her.
She made this collage and sent back to us. Notice that she added a picture of herself with her 'bothers' at the bottom. She didn't want to be left out!
A local mosque.
Talking with Aimée by Skype or instant messaging,
she always reveals that she is very happy serving the Lord in Sierra Leone.
I tell people she is 'mean' truth she sets her mind to do something,
and she is unwilling to let anything detour her from finishing the task.
She recently encountered a pickpocket who chose her to be his next victim.
WRONG CHOICE....she caught on to him and shoved him to the ground.
Also, she had purchased something, and another person with her bought the same thing, but was given a lower price by the same man. Aimée wasn't having any of that.
She returned to the man, grabbed him by the shirt and told him to give back her money. He did.
Now if you know our Aimée.....she appears meek and sweet...and she really is!
But ask her brothers....she can be quite tough and firm.
There is nothing wimpy about their sister.
(perhaps that comes from her mom? LOL)

 1 Timothy 2:5
 For there is one God, 
and one mediator between God and men, 
the man Christ Jesus;

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Enjoying Ice Cream in Bo

Having ice cream!!! I spent $3 on that little thing!!!!!


O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. Psalms 8:1 (KJV)
Mom's note....
Aimée is Miss Frugal. She can stretch money, not spend money, and is cheap to keep! We appreciate that about our daughter!  It makes us happy that she will splurge on things there..... :)


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Random Pictures

Joseph with me.
This is the man that saw me on the street one day wearing a Jesus Saves shirt.
He asked me if Jesus really saves. I told him YES!
After talking with him, Joseph trusted Christ as his Savior.
When I gave him this Tshirt, he asked if he could put it on right then.
I told him yes, and he promptly started wearing the shirt.
Jesus does save!

It might not be spelled the same,
but it is pronounced the same as
my French Aimée is.
This little guy is just so cute I just love him.
I have never heard him say a word.
He will smile, just not for the camera.
Now, when I get out of the truck he comes walking out to meet me.
I like many of the African names,
and so I have renamed my brothers to give them African names.
Let me introduce you to....
Front....BOBO (small boy)  ;)
Back.....BIGMAN (important one) ;)
Psalm 119:80
Let my heart be sound in thy statutes;
 that I be not ashamed.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Pictures of Friends near and far
This little girl and I share the same Mende name of NYADAVO.
It means "my own day".
The girl standing next to me is Lucy.
They appear to not be smiling,
but they are happy and excited.
This is FATU holding a picture that I brought with me to Africa
 of my friend, Ashley, from home.
 This is a girl we call "Funny Ha Ha" with
Delanie from home.
 This is a picture of Elijah from home, with a boy that I can't remember his name.
This little boy always has pants on that are a couple sizes too large for him.
We call him "Pants can't stay up". Sweet boy!
He is holding a picture of Caden from home.

I am thankful for my young (and older)  prayer warriors at home!!
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray without ceasing.

Friday, October 25, 2013


The Latest Pictures from Aimée

 Enjoying life there
Mom's notes here.
We often tease Aimée to show us the smile we 'bought'....braces.
We have loved seeing this smile in the pictures of her that we have gotten.
It truly makes us very happy to be separated from her,
knowing that she is enjoying herself!
To most people she appears as a rather quiet and serious young woman.
Her family knows her in a much different way.
She is very competitive!!
She is studious!
She is an avid reader!!
She plays the piano and flute.
She can cook, bake, and clean the kitchen!
Her Bible is precious to her!
Sharing the Gospel is something she loves to do!
She can keep her brothers in line!
She can operate just about any lawn equipment.
And spent 10 years helping Todd with his business.
She can sew and cross stitch, and is always working on a project or two.
Being lazy would never be something Aimée could be called.
She is comfortable being uncomfortable.
She is a planner, organizer, and able to finish a task.
She is helpful, unselfish, and giving.
She is missed and deeply loved.
But we delight that she is our daughter!
She is our Aimée Noelle!
Proverbs 31:29-30
Many daughters have done virtuously,
but thou excellest them all.
Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain:
but a woman that feareth the LORD,
she shall be praised.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The tale of Conquering Rice Rock Ridge

AKA Being Conquered by it ;)

When seated on the Holt’s veranda the view of the surrounding hills is beautiful, at least in the rainy season when all is green and lush, the dry season might be a different story, will let you know!
Most of the hills are covered in trees, but this one hill, the one we have dubbed Rice Rock Ridge has some large rocks at the top, with light green rice growing all around. It is quite pretty.


The chicken coop is in the foreground. This is the only hill with rocks scattered on the side, it looks like someone just tossed the rocks into place.
Holly and I had talked about climbing this hill to see all of the village below, we thought it would have to be a great view.

On the 5th of October, at 8:30 a.m the fun began. Alfred was our tour guide, and he proved to be a pretty good one!

But we were in for a surprise before we began to even ascend the hill, we had to cross the river to get there! I had briefly wondered about this, but figured Alfred knew away across. I was correct he did!

Only it was through the river, not around or over it! I forget the name of the river, but the name’s meaning is “Cold”, and that river was very cold!

Alfred tells us we have to cross and starts across, so we plunge in behind him and at one point I did literally plunge into the water. The current got stronger as we neared the other bank, I stepped wrong and got more of me wet than I had intended!

Once the water was behind us, we began to climb up the hill. It was rather steep, but we made it to the top without any major incidents.

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but there is nothing like seeing it in person! To the left is the Holt’s abode and off to the right is Baomahun.

Beautiful place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The descent was rather difficult, because of the steepness of the area. Not to mention we had a man leading us, who wanted to take a short cut and got us lost, so we had to back track!

We made it back to the bottom alive, in under an hour, and not overly beat up! I only had a few scratches.

It was certainly worth the time and effort to see the view! To think of all the people down in that village who need Jesus, who is more precious than all the gold they might ever find!

How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! Proverbs 16:16

Having thoughts of going up again, we will see!!


Sunday, October 20, 2013

A few new pictures from Sierra Leone


I took some Frisbees with me.
The kids enjoy playing with me.

I enjoy playing with them.

I sent my mom this picture,
she is still waiting for an explanation.
I will get to that soon...
Psalm 111:2
The works of the LORD are great
sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Greetings from Baomahun,

 So much has happened in such a short time, it is hard to know what all to write about. It is hard to believe how fast the time has flown, October already.
It has been wonderful thus far and looks like it will continue. I am having a lot of fun teaching, the kids seem to remember much of what is taught. I have been teaching them some songs and love to hear them walk around singing “I’m in right, out right, up right down right,  happy all the time” WOW!

 Here is Moses standing by me, and Mustifia, being Mustifia in the background.
Mustifia who is smart, knows it and wants me to know he knows it all!! Very sweet boy, loves to play tic tac toe, falls on the ground, when he loses!

I just love this little guy, his name is Bobo (Small boy) he is so very good, falls asleep in class, but always has a smile, unless you have a camera in his face!!

 The class in Tendabu. David Johnny is in front of Holly, his younger brother James behind, and another teacher Abu is standing near me.
This is a group of the kids from Gumahun, who were following us after class!

I will try anything.
I have enjoyed many new tastes and flavors here!

I waited until I was nearly 24 to get my official Florida Drivers License.
My permit said it expired in 2014. I was waiting for that. ;)
I now know how to drive a standard shift 5 speed.

I enjoy holding all the babies.
This one is precious.

I feel like a celebrity when I walk through town, there are always kids to cling to you, to call “opatoo” (White man) it is just amazing.
Psalm 62:1
Truly my soul waited upon God:
from him cometh my salvation.